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Our Community

St Mary's Primary School Mansfield

St Mary’s Primary School provides a supportive environment that promotes the wellbeing of all members of the school community including students, teachers, parents and community members.

School Advisory Council

St Mary’s Primary School's School Advisory Council (SAC) acts as a forum for discussion on matters relating to Education in the Parish School. It brings together, in a spirit of cooperation, the Parish Priest, Principal, Deputy Principal, and parent representatives so that responsible, informed advice can be given to the Principal.


St Mary’s Primary School acts under the governance of the Diocese of Melbourne Catholic Education Limited (MACS) and as such the SAC’s constitution sets out its purpose and function in the following Charter.


The School Advisory Council meets 4 to five times per year.   The council consists of; Parish Priest, Principal, Chairperson, Minute Secretary, School Bursar, Parish Representative, Parent Engagement Officer and parent representatives.   

If you would like to become a member of the School Advisory Council please email your interest to


Parents & Friends

Hi, my name is Nicki Myers and I am your new Parents & Friends Engagement Officer. Support for P & F is provided by other staff members and our St. Mary’s parents and friends' family. 

The Parents & Friends (P&F) Engagement Officer is a formal structure/ position that enables Nicki to invite parents and families to come together to contribute and engage in community activities, help with school activities, projects and most importantly our school events.


“Thus far I have appreciated all the support I have received already and am looking forward to meeting and working with more of you throughout the year”.

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Get Involved

Parents have the opportunity to be involved in a range of activities which are vital to the sense of belonging to the school:


  • St Marys’ School Advisory Council

  • Parents and Friends Association

  • Class Helpers Program

  • Excursions, Camps and Sporting Events

  • Parents are regularly invited to engage in school-based learning activities facilitated by staff

  • School Working Bees

  • Grand Parade

  • School Assemblies

  • School Masses and the Sacramental Program

  • Family Sacramental evenings

  • Teachers regularly direct parents to online and other resources to support family learning experiences

  • Learning Expo’s

  • Book Fair

  • Art Show

  • Mother’s Day and Father’s Day evenings

  • Welcome BBQ & end of year Christmas Carols & picnic



Supported playgroups are a safe place for families to socialise and interact with children from 0-6 years of age. The sessions are structured and facilitated by a trained worker using the Smalltalk program.

Supported Playgroups offer support and strategies to build parents skills and confidence to promote their children’s wellbeing and learning.


Parish Connection


Hear From Our Community

”We chose St Mary’s because we wanted a small community school for our two boys. St Mary's staff genuinely care about every student and Mrs Etcell’s leadership and direction to support our special needs son has been outstanding. The school curriculum enriches our boys’ lives, and they walk through the school gate every morning with a smile. We are blessed and thankful to have St Mary's Primary School in our community."

- Chris & Leah Fados

St Mary's Primary School Mansfield

A: 39 Malcolm Street  |  Mansfield VIC 3722  |   T: 03 5775 2670 

St Mary's Primary School Mansfield is a school which operates with the consent of the Catholic Archbishop of Melbourne and is operated and governed by Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools Ltd (MACS).

MACS governs and operates 292 Catholic schools in the Archdiocese to continue the mission of Catholic education to proclaim the Good News and equip our young people with the knowledge, skills and hope to live meaningful lives and enrich the world around them.

Because the good work of educating the young is a co-responsible task led by every member of the Catholic school community, School Advisory Councils have been established to provide a crucial point of connection between the wider school community and school leaders.

This governance model was designed to ease the administrative burden on our schools and parishes, allow parish priests to focus on the mission of education in the parish, enable greater collaboration between schools and ensure greater consistency in school policies and procedures. 

© 2024 St Mary's Primary School Mansfield. Site design & photography by School Presence

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